Veteran Actor Anupam Kher
(Bestselling author of I Too Had A Love Story and Can Love Happen Twice?)
Ravinder Singh’s new novel Like It Happened Yesterday was launched by Veteran Actor & Author Anupam Kher in Mumbai. Penguin Books India is proud to announce its blockbuster novel of the year: bestselling author and one of the most loved writers of today.
Veteran actor Anupam Kher launched Ravinder’s third book that has already broken sale records on July 11th, in Mumbai. The event was attended by more than 200 of his fans who were excited to meet the author in person.
On the occasion of his launch in Mumbai Ravinder said, “I love to personally connect with my readers across cities in India. The feeling is overwhelming and their opinion helps me grow as an author. It is their love and appreciation that encourages me to write yet another novel just for them. The launch in Mumbai was a huge success and I am grateful to Mr. Kher for his encouraging words and support.”
“It is extremely refreshing to read a book on such an innocent subject. “Like it Happened Yesterday’ definitely takes us back to the sweet memories of everyone’s childhood. People of all age groups will relate to this. The book is simple and has an endearing quality to it. I wish Ravinder a very happy journey that he has embarked on with his book” said Mr. Anupam Kher at the launch.
Ravin’s new book ‘Like it happened yesterday’ is a wonderful coming of age story – his own – about growing up in a small town; the pains, the joys, anxieties and apprehensions of those wonder years. When rains meant making paper boats, when waiting at railway crossings meant crossing the bogies of trains go by, when the biggest and most exciting activity for the entire colony was waiting for the next episode of Nukkad or Buniyaad. Charming, evocative, wonderfully written, this book is bound to strike a chord both with the young and old (or the young at heart).
Over the last two years, with his first two novels, Ravinder Singh has had a meteoric rise that sky rocketed him into the exclusive league of India’s biggest selling and most popular authors. He is by far the highest selling author in his genre and all his books are currently listed in the Fiction Top 10 charts nationwide (I Too Had a Love Story, published in 2008, is in fact the oldest title in the Top 10 charts). Ravinder has a massive fan following among the youth – not only in the metros but in B towns as well, where his writings resonate strongly with readers.
He was listed as one of India’s top 100 celebrities by Forbes magazine this year. His second novel, Can Love Happen Twice? was published in December 2011 and readers across India have been looking forward to his next novel with bated breath. The new book Like It Happened Yesterday is the story of the protagonist Ravin’s boyhood days – it is an aspect of Ravin’s story that has never been revealed before. The book is likely to elicit an unprecedented response from Ravinder’s fans when it is released.
About the book
Has anyone ever asked you—What were the best days of your life?
That one period of your life you always wanted to go back to? And live that life . . . one more time?
When asked this, I closed my eyes and went back in my own past. And I thought . . .
. . . of the days, when life’s most complex choices had a simple solution of Akkad Bakkad Bambey Bo!
. . . of the seasons when rains were celebrated by making paper boats.
. . . of the times when waiting at the railway crossing meant counting the bogies of the train passing by.
When I opened my eyes, it seems Like it Happened Yesterday! Like it was yesterday that I broke my first tooth and fell in love for the first time. Like it was yesterday, when I was about to lose my friend, and suddenly he became my best friend.
I look back and it becomes a journey full of adventure. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry and I know I’m here because I was . . .
Come, hold my hand, and take this trip with me. It will be yesterday for you, once again!
About Ravinder Singh
Ravinder Singh is the bestselling author of I Too Had a Love Story and Can Love Happen Twice?. Like It Happened Yesterday is his third book. After having spent most of his life in Burla, a very small town in western Orissa, Ravinder is currently based in New Delhi. He is an MBA from the renowned Indian School of Business. After working with a few Indian and multinational IT companies for more than eight years, Ravinder has finally taken up writing full-time. He loves playing snooker in his free time. He is also crazy about Punjabi music and loves dancing to its beat.