Art for Hope: Exhibition showcases works of artist Ekta Jain

Art for Hope: Exhibition showcases works of artist Ekta Jain – A week-long solo exhibition by Jain opens at the Taj Palace Hotel, Chanakyapuri today

New Delhi,  In the hands of an artist, an art brush can acquire the role of the communicator of a powerful message as well as the harbinger of hope and inspiration. The art brush wielded by promising artist Ekta Jain plays both these roles to perfection.


A strong advocate of a ‘never say die’ spirit, Jain is showcasing her solo art exhibition that can adeptly be called an ‘ode to hope’. The solo exhibition displaying Jain’s works opened today at the Taj Palace Hotel, Chanakyapuri and will run till May 25. ‘Hope and Never Despair’ is the powerful message that comes across from Jain’s art work. 

The painting exhibition is featuring some of the artist’s latest and best works that come as a breath of fresh air in the art scene of the capital. 

Young and dynamic, Jain likes her art to do a lot of talking on her behalf. She believes her works are a mirror to her own personality that radiates optimism and hope in the goodness of the world. As an artist, Jain believes in propagating hope and optimism through her works rather than sorrow or despair. The illuminated niches, ray of dance lighting in the dark crevices; beam of radiance dispelling the gloom – are subtle statements occupying the focal point in her creations.


“Art can be a medium of multiple things. It can be an expression of your personality, it can be a political statement or an expression of dissent. Most importantly for me art can be a medium to spread hope, inspiration and optimism. I strongly believe that art conveys what is inside your personality, and when it comes to me it is the never ending belief that one should never despair.

I am drawn more towards the ideas of promise than doom and I hope people will find this radiance of hope in my art work,” says Ms Jain. Ekta’s artwork is autobiographical and bears a close resemblance to her never say-die spirit and cheerful demeanour, finding vivid translation in her aesthetically pleasing formations and fabrications on the canvas. Her abstracts are reflective of hope and faith; of assurance and conviction; of trust & optimism.

Her interplay with splashing colours started at a tender age till it metamorphosed into emphatic narrations. Her journey to urban spaces is punctuated by her desire to discover layers upon layers of soul’s responses to civility or the lack of it. The innate desire led her to formulate and execute her concept without any formal exercise in art.

Her arches link urban space to traditional architecture. Her paintings are like a palimpsest; you can erase and recreate the art but the eternal message will remain the same. There is a symmetrical oneness in her apparently diversified expressions.