Amitabh Bachchan guest of honour at the launch of the THE BIG INDIAN PICTURE

Amitabh Bachchan guest of honour at the launch of the
                                                    An online cinema-zine

Mumbai, September 24th, 2012: Indian Cinema’s megastar Amitabh Bachchan was the guest of honour as Pragya Tiwari, Milind Soman & Reema Sanghavi announced the launch of The Big Indian Picture, the first of its kind online cinema-zine at JW Marriot Hotel in Mumbai today. The event also commemorated the achievements of Indian Cinema in the run-up to its

Mr. Bachchan and Pragya Tiwari chatted on stage about the glory days of Indian cinema and its journey over the last 100 years. Mr. Bachchan expressed his thoughts and congratulated the team of The Big Indian Picture on the unveiling of

Commenting on the launch of the web-site Pragya Tiwari, Editor-in-chief, said “Setting out to do something different and completely out- of-the-box is as exciting as nerve-wracking. It is the beginning of a very important journey for us and we hope you will come along and give us all the support and feedback you can.”

The new online cinema-zine will cover various facets of Indian cinema featuring opinion, exclusive behind- the-scene stories, reportage, narratives,
photo-essays, art, interviews and videos. The focus will be on broadening the
conversation on cinema along with using it as a prism to look at design, politics
and culture at large. The Big Indian Picture hopes to engage in comprehensive and serious film journalism without missing out on the fun.

The Big Indian picture has already started this conversation and is committed to getting everyone involved- writers, academics, politicians, opinion-makers, actors, stars, directors, technicians, novelists, poets, pulp-fictioneers, producers, critics, decision-makers and bring them face to face with everyone who loves cinema.

Speaking on his association with The Big Indian Picture, Milind Soman,
COO, said: “It has been a long and often rocky road to this launch.

But it’s been worth it all, every step of the way. And that is what makes any dream worth its pursuit. We hope you will see this website not only for what it is, but also for what it can become- and be a part of its journey.

Reema Sanghavi, Publisher, added,” I am very excited and proud to bring to life a platform which has been long awaited. I hope this contribution to the glorious film industry is welcomed with lots of love and support.”