Akki’s new furry little friends

On the glittering star struck night of the Colors Golden Petal Awards, Akshay Kumar not only graced the event with his presence but also with the charming company of two of his furry little friends. Parceled and cozy in their box, Akshay was seen playing with two little hamsters on stage while the audience ooh-ed and aah-ed over them. To share their antics he decided to walk into the audience with them and stopped right in front of none other than Neelam, who was there to cheer on her hubby, Sameer Soni. To Neelam’s mortification, Akki put the hamsters in her purse – a move that completely freaked her out. Laughing at her plight and being the ever-chivalrous gentleman, Akshay decided to rescue the damsel in distress and put the hamsters back in the box. Looking at Neelam’s dilemma, Sambhavna Seth stepped in and asked Akshay Kumar to include her in this ongoing action because she didn’t get a chance to showcase her daredevil-ness during Khatron Ke Khiladi 4. This request impressed Akshay ‘Khiladi’ Kumar who praised her for her bravado.