A Landmark in the Brand World – Asin’s 10 year association with Soft drink brand.

A Landmark in the Brand World – Asin’s 10 year association with Soft drink brand.

Actress Asin, who has been the face of Mirinda, for over 8 years, has been signed on to represent the soft drink brand for the next two years, as the brand recently renewed their deal with the gorgeous star taking its notion of fun and ‘pagalpanti’ to the next level .

Asin, who won tele-viewers’ hearts with her chirpy persona in the television commercials, has signed a renewed contract to endorse the brand for an extended period of two more years,making it a 10 year association with the soft drink brand,a feat that no actor has managed to achieve this far in the soft drink section.

Says a brand source, “ Mirinda has extended its association with Asin with a renewal of contract which speaks highly of the kind of professional she is.No other artist has been a brand ambassador for any brand for such a long period of time,making this a rare endorsement association.The landmark 10 years is an exemplary reestablishment of the kind of brand value Asin has brought to Mirinda”.

Says Asin, “It is always great to be part of such fun-filled campaigns by Mirinda.. I’m sure the viewers will love this fresh dose of absolute fun and pagalpanti”.