MLA Kripashankar Singh launches India’s first 3D comic – Pruthvi
Our beloved Mother Earth – Pruthvi is subjected to various tortures because of Human selfishness. And to put an end to all this comes a – SAVIOR. He will save Pruthvi & bring peace all over this year.
Sanjukta Art Pvt LTD who has been line producing several films for the past few years now ventures into film production with India’s first 3D comic –Pruthvi.
The launch of their production house was celebrated with much grandeur in the presence of Honorable MLA Shri Kripashankar Singh.
Manoranjan Tripathy of Sanjukta Arts Pvt. LtdAlso Announce there upcoming feature next film ” Treatment”.
On behalf of Sanjukta Art Pvt. Ltd., (Hrudaya Ranjan & Manoranjan Tripathy and ) said, “ Pruthvi marks the debut of Sanjukta Arts into movie production and there are huge plans of producing 3D animation & Hindi movies in the future.
Advovate Manisha Mehta, Leagal Advisor for Sanjuktaa Arts “ Wishes great future to Sanjukta Arts Pvt Ltd. and Mr. Manoranjan Tripathy for bringing 3 D Comic Pruthvi for the first time in India.”