Neha will surely be raising the temperature this summer. Her upcoming film titled ‘SHIKARI’ is all set to release this 20th of April 2018. While she has previously worked with the South Industry, Neha is a newbie to the Marathi Fraternity.
The film is directed by well-known director Viju Mane and produced by Vijay Patil, it is presented under the banner of critically acclaimed director Mahesh Manjrekar.
The teaser of the film is out and we must say it’s quite a daring attempt. We can see Neha acing the Sexy look gracefully. Also seen with her, in one of the posters, is a Marathi Actor Siddharth Jadhav. We are now excited to see these two together onscreen.
The remaining star-cast is not yet disclosed but, we assume it will be exciting as well.
When asked about her role in the movie the actor says, “I just loved the script of the film. I hope people will like the film, for its story and the presentation and not ONLY take into consideration my clothes or appearance. What I did, was purely professional and I love my job. If the script demands me to do any other act, and if I am convinced with the same, I shall do it happily.”
Any Actress who portrays such bold roles is usually criticized in the Marathi Industry, but, we hope, now, since the audience is getting acquainted with the World Cinema, such attempts are appreciated.
Here is the Trailer link to the film : http://