Reliance Broadcast Network’s – 92.7 BIG FM – India’s No. 1 FM Network and winner of theRadio Broadcaster of the year award at the Golden Mikes, has emerged as thefastest growing radio station in Delhi. 92.7 BIG FM has shown an incredible high growth rate of 35% in listenership ascompared to competition over the last 3 months (Source: RAM Week 51 2011 –Week12 2012, All People 12+).
(Source: RAM Week 51 2011 –Week 12 2012, AllPeople 12+)
Delhi has always been atough market to crack for FM stations as it takes a lot to differentiate &become a preferred station, given that it is cluttered with a large no. of players. From alistener perspective, most stations play similar content and its extremelychallenging to get noticed for something specific & more importantlydeliver on-air consistently. 92.7 BIG FM has been a station which has its earto the ground and understands the needs of its listeners. This feature hasalways stood the station in good stead and hence it undertook an extensiveaudience preference mapping.
Keeping in mind the averageprofile of the radio listener in Delhi pegged at a 35+ M/F, 92.7 BIG FM haschallenged the status quo & decided to super serve these audiences with alltime hit music, that led to its positioning ‘HIT THHE HIT RAHENGE’. Led by itsmid morning time band ‘Mohabbatein’, which is the No.1 show in its time band,the station instantly struck cord with the Delhites & made it the mostpreferred destination to listen to all time favorite music throughout the day
The true success of 92.7BIG FM can be gauged by the whopping 63 Lakh Delhiites who tune in to the FMchannel week after week to listen to all the innovative content being rolledout.