​​​CM’s wife urges students to pursue their passion

CM’s wife urges students to pursue their passion
Mrs Amruta Fadnavis, Ninad Panse & Nachiket Barve

The ‘Design Conclave 2016’, organized by DSK International Campus in Mumbai, shifted focus from talking not just about career offerings for students but divulging in interesting discussions focusing on students’ passion. Talking on the occasion, wife of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mrs Amruta Fadnavis, advised students to explore off-beat careers, such as design and pursue their creative passion. Mrs Fadnavis also appealed students to owe social responsibility while pursuing their career and not just remain restricted to earning excess money.

Mrs. Fadnavis who is an artist and a banker was also felicitated at the Design Conclave with DSK-Edutainment Award for her Contribution in the field of Art.

With numerous conferences held across the country focusing on key issues it is facing today in terms of professional education, there was one which sought to change the way things are perceived at – and focused mainly on preserving students’ aspirations. The ‘DSK Design Conclave 2016’, held on Saturday, April 16, at J.W.Mariott, Juhu, Mumbai, revolved round the theme of ‘Inspiring Creative Minds’. The event highlighted design as the way of life and urged students to value their creativity and identify the uniqueness in whatever they do.

Mrs Amruta Fadnavis, Ninad Panse

The Design Conclave acted as a vital platform for large number of students and their parents seeking guidance on varied opportunities in the field design. The ‘Design Conclave 2016’ also played a major role in bringing together industry experts sharing their views and experiences concerning design. This year’s conclave had imminent speakers like Mr Subrata Bhowmick, India’s leading graphic designer, Mrs Amruta Fadnavis, Banker, Artist and Wife of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mr Nachiket Barve, award winning fashion designer of international repute, Mr Sonal Dabral, Chairman and CEO of DDB Mudra Group, India, Mr Daniel Griner, ace Industrial Designer and Mr. Ninad Panse, CEO of DSK International Campus in Pune. These leading design professionals shared their experiences through trends, reports, technology developments, case studies and the role of design in building and sustaining a brand’s value.

Mrs Amruta Fadnavis, Nachiket Barve, & Ninad Panse-

India’s renowned graphic designer of international repute, Mr Subrata Bhowmick, opened the session elaborating upon the importance of design in India and gave a broader perspective on identifying original versus the duplicate form of design. Award winning fashion designer, Nachiket Barve encouraged students to actively look at designing as a vocation, keeping in view the objective of improving skills sets and cultivating talent along with proficiency in different segments of design.